Sharing my mourning journey as my family learns to live a new normal after the death of my 19 y.o. son in an auto accident on 10/12/08.

Happy New Year and thank you to all who visit and comment on my blog.

I’m still getting used to the notion of a new year making its entrance without Jordan here to experience it with me. Tears have flowed already this morning as I learn to live in a world where I don’t get to see my oldest son grow and prosper. Even as I wiped the tears away my heart was grateful to have family and friends that I can share my deepest feelings with and not feel misunderstood. With every year I feel a part of my grief being transformed into a powerful love that comes from being able to mother such a wonderful son as Jordan. For that gift I always say, “Thank you.”

To all of you I wish peace, time for quiet reflection and experiences of real joy in 2012.

My family on Christmas Eve

Comments on: "Learning to look forward-2012" (4)

  1. Happy New Year. I do so hope it brings you some peace and happiness.

  2. Isn’t that so true. It’s so hard to go into another year without them. It’s been 25 years since my 16 y/o died. I still do not like New Years eve. The mantra seems to be “I don’t want to do another year without him’.

    And yet – we go on and live and work and love.

  3. Happy New Year. Thinking of you, as ever. Your family is just beautiful.

  4. What a beautiful family picture. I, too, seem to reflect on New Year’s Eve…thinking, “I can’t believe I’m facing another year without Jason.”

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